About Me

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I am a full time mummy to an amazing but tiring little toddler of 19mths. We live with faithful daddy, and our 2 cats and 1 puppy. I also work part time as a nurse, and predominately work with children with learning disabilities. I am interested in losing weight, dieting and fitness, and have managed to lose 2 stone since May 2011. I also enjoy reviewing products, especially within the children and weight loss areas.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Pumpkin masks

This halloween based craft, is great fun and easy to do.

What you need:
Paper plates
Orange paint (we mixed red and yellow paint to make orange)
Green tissue paper
Black card
Black ribbon or wool
Glue stick

What we did:
First of all we painted one side of the plate orange, and leave to dry.

While waiting for the plate to dry, we teared up some green tissue paper.

Once dry, we put some glue over the top area of the plate, before sticking lots of the torn up green tissue paper to the glued area.

We then cut out a mouth shape out of the black card and stick to the bottom half of the plate.
After doing all that sticking we measured where mini-faithful's eyes were on the mask and cut holes in the plate so she could see out, as well as two holes at either side of the plate, before threading the ribbon or wool through the holes to secure the mask to mini-faithful.
Then we let her loose to play with her mask, which ended up going on the cats and dog as well as faithful mummy, daddy and herself!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you managed to finish them. They were really fun to paint
