This is an idea that Faith completed at one of the playgroups she did, but I have modified it slightly…
What you need:
1 piece of card, we only had orange left, but it works best with black
1 piece of coloured projector paper, coloured sweet wrappers that you can see through (for the eye holes)
Glue stick, or better if you have it PVA
Stickers or things to decorate.
What to do:
First, we measured her head and made the glasses to fit her, ensuring the eye holes are in the right place!
Then we gave her some stickers and jewels or other decoration bits and the glue covered glasses shape for her to decorate.
Once she had finished, we left it to dry.
Once dry we used the celotape to hold the pieces of coloured projector paper in place over the eye holes.
Then the fun began
we looked at how different the world looks through the glasses and had great fun.
Other ideas
Try using different colours and talk about the differences.
Its great for identifying colours, objects and shapes. You can also, with older cover with card and discuss how it might feel to not be able to see.
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