About Me

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I am a full time mummy to an amazing but tiring little toddler of 19mths. We live with faithful daddy, and our 2 cats and 1 puppy. I also work part time as a nurse, and predominately work with children with learning disabilities. I am interested in losing weight, dieting and fitness, and have managed to lose 2 stone since May 2011. I also enjoy reviewing products, especially within the children and weight loss areas.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Spicy Cottage Pie

Recipe of the week: 1st August 2011
This recipe is a combination of our own cottage pie and a rosemary conley recipe, as the together we think they make THE best cottage pie!
600g potatoes, peeled & chopped
1 white onion, cut into quarters
400g extra lean mince beef
1 red onion, diced
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
200g mushrooms, sliced
1 tbsp balti curry paste
1 beef knorr stock pot
1tsp of gravy granules
2 tbsp skimmed milk
300mls water
salt and black pepper
1. Pre heat the oven to 200C, 400F or gas mark 6.  Pre heat a large non-stick frying pan.
2. Boil the potatoes with the white onion until soft.
3. Meanwhile, dry fry the mince in the non-stick pan until lightly browned.  Then tip the mince into a sieve and drain off the excess fat.
4. Return the mince to the pan, add the red onion, garlic, carrots and mushrooms and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring in the balti paste while they are cooking.
5. Add water and bring to a gentle simmer, then add the gravy granules, stock pot and seasoning.  Simmer the mixture gently for 20 minutes to allow the sauce to thicken.
6.  Transfer the mixture to an ovenproof dish.
7.  Drain the potatoes, mash well, adding the skimmed milk and seasoning.
8.  Spread the mixture over the top of the meat, and rough it up with a fork.
9.  Bake for 20 minutes, until golden brown.
Calorie content 338.
Fat content 6g.
You can add cheese to the top of the mash before placing in the oven, however this will increase the calories and fat content.
We serve ours with seasonal veggies.
It serves 4.

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