About Me

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I am a full time mummy to an amazing but tiring little toddler of 19mths. We live with faithful daddy, and our 2 cats and 1 puppy. I also work part time as a nurse, and predominately work with children with learning disabilities. I am interested in losing weight, dieting and fitness, and have managed to lose 2 stone since May 2011. I also enjoy reviewing products, especially within the children and weight loss areas.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Firework pictures.

As today is bonfire night, we decided to spend this week making firework related crafts, that hopefully will mean mini-faithful doesnt get frightened by them when they make loud noises tonight..
We made two different types of pictures based on fireworks, this is how we did the first set...

What you need:
Black paper or card
Runny paint (explained below!)
Glitter (we used glitter glue, but plain glitter may of made things easier)

What we did:
On the black card we made a big blob of paint, then using the straw we moved the paint around the card, by blowing out (small safety notice, they need to know not to suck through the straw before starting this, also its a good idea to have a small hole in the side of the straw to let the paint fumes out).
Once you have finished with one colour add in other colours until you are happy you have used enough paint.
Then place another piece of black card and pat down, to make to pictures instead of one.
If you are using normal glitter now sprinkle it over the wet paint to add that extra bit of sparkle, if not wait till the paintings are dry before adding glitter glue to the painting.

Fingerpaint fireworks

This is the second firework painting idea, I think mini-faithful enjoyed this one slightly more, but that might be because of her age.

What you need:
Paint palette
Black card or paper
Glitter glue
Paint brush (optional)

What we did:
We have several different colours in a paint palette, for mini-faithful to try.  The reason for using a paint palette is to allow them to mix their own colours for the fireworks

Then using fingers (or paint brushes) make marks of paint all over the black card.  We also added blobs of glitter glue to the card, before allowing it to dry.

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