About Me

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I am a full time mummy to an amazing but tiring little toddler of 19mths. We live with faithful daddy, and our 2 cats and 1 puppy. I also work part time as a nurse, and predominately work with children with learning disabilities. I am interested in losing weight, dieting and fitness, and have managed to lose 2 stone since May 2011. I also enjoy reviewing products, especially within the children and weight loss areas.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

5 a day habit- week 2.

This weeks 5 books a day habit (sorry its a few days late, manic wednesday means it although we have been doing this I havent blogged on it till today).  This weeks loose theme is, surprise surprise bonfire night!

So our choice includes: Hovis the hedgehog: bonfire night.  I choose this book, because I love the idea of a hedgehog being called hovis! Strange I know, but thats me! On the plus side it does point out the dangers of bonfires to hedgehogs, which although is a message that is too in-depth for a 21mth old, she now tells me when asked the hedgehogs lives in a bonfire...

Our second choice is a noisy book.  I love them.  This one is called the red fire engine.  Although its only a loose connection to bonfire night, it is the busiest night of the year for them, and mini-faithful has a mini obsession with fire engines at the moment.

Thirdly was My first learning set: book of colours. This is very very loosely based, but mini-faithful is coming on leaps and bounds with her colours at the moment, and I thought it might help when we discuss the colour of the fireworks we are going to see.

Our fourth choice is Acorns bonfire. This is more a book on seasons than bonfire night, but is about going to a bonfire, so is still loosely based.  That and the pictures are lovely.

Our final choice is Cant you sleep little bear? This book isnt really based on bonfire night at all.  But it does explain the dark nights and shows the moon as the lantern of the sky.  It is a lovely bedtime reading book.

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