Over the last couple of days we (my 18mth old and myself) have been making glitter heart hangings. This is how we did it and what they look like…
What you need:
A4 Coloured card
Glitter glue
Coloured thread
Hole punch
What to do:
Cut out heart shapes from the A4 card.
Allow the child to decorate the card with the glitter glue. We decorated one half of the heart and folded them in half to make a pretty pattern. 
Allow the hearts to dry before decorating the back of the heart as you did the front.
Once both sides are dry, hole punch the top of the heart and thread through the coloured thread. We decided to hang ours in twos, so hole punched the bottom of two of the hearts and thread the coloured thread between this hole and one of the holes in the top of the other hearts.
We hung our finished glitter hearts in the window so they can catch the light.
Other ideas
Try making different shapes to hang.
This is a great activity to discuss colours and shapes and numbers with. We counted the amount of hearts we had made, and named the colours of the glitter and of the card. We also talked about different shapes.
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