- No you cant take your bucket to bed
- Please dont press the buttons on the washing machine/cooker
- Yes mummy does have a belly button, but the entire library did not need to see it
- No, no, no, NO crayons are only meant for drawing on paper, not walls, stairs, cupboards, windows or the fridge
- The dog doesnt want to wear a hat and bag right now
- PUT the cat down, NOW please
- Dog food is for the dog, and cat food is for the cat, if you are hungry you can have a snack, but leave their food ALONE
- Although mummy is very impressed you can switch on the taps, please only do it when mummy is watching.
- How did you get up there? Please get off the table/window sill/desk

- Mummy didnt really want the xbox/playstation/tv switching on right now, but thank you anyway.
- Where have you hidden the house/car keys?
- Its lovely you want to share, but if you give the dog your teddy she will eat it
- Mummy has just had a drink, so doesnt really want to drink a cup of sand, thank you.
- Its lovely your trying to help mummy mop the floor, but that is dirty water, and mummy has just mopped the floor
- Thank you for helping weed the garden, but those are flowers not weeds.
- Please dont eat stones... OR sticks
- Please dont sit on the cat
- Where did you find that, can we put it back in the bin now please
- We dont jump on stairs
Although this possibly makes her sound like a handful (she is) she is completely worth it. Either that or I am insane...